How often do you roast?

We generally roast 5 days a week.


Is your coffee Fair Trade/Organic?

We use Ethically Traded coffees (FTO), Organic Coffees, Rain Forest Alliance Coffees (RFA), as well as conventional coffees. We alter these based on availability and quality, unless the blend/origin is specifically advertised as being FTO/RFA only.


How long does coffee last?

We will endeavour to send coffee that is ready to use from arrival. Generally speaking coffee can keep well for 2-3 weeks when stored in a dry, airtight container away from direct sunlight. We do not recommend keeping coffee in the fridge or freezer.


Will I ever find coffee better than yours in the whole wide world?

Some have tried, but all have failed.


I would like to use Four Rascals Coffee at my cafe/office. How can I do this?

Welcome to the Rascals family! Use the contact form to send us a message and we’ll be in touch.